Hi, I’m Boyu LI

A mphil student at HKUST(GZ) CISLab, at Computational Media and Art Thrust of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GuangZhou), supervised by Prof. Zeyu Wang. Before that, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Automation from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in 2023. My field of interest are:

  • Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

  • Deep leaning or computer Vision in Robotics

Details are in my CV.

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Generating Virtual Reality Stroke Gesture Data from Out-of-Distribution Desktop Stroke Gesture Data

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (2024)

AniCraft: Crafting Everyday Objects as Physical Proxies for Prototyping 3D Character Animation in Mixed Reality

Boyu Li, Linping Yuan, Zhe Yan, Qianxi Liu, Yulin Shen, Zeyu Wang
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (2024)

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Latest News

Our paper AniCraft:Crafting Everyday Objects as Physical Proxies for Prototyping 3D Character Animation in Mixed Reality” has been accepted by UIST 2024!
Our team, GuangZhou Red Bird, won the second place in the Guangzhou Division of the Overwatch 2 Metal League in 2024, and I took the position of tank.
Our paper Generating Virtual Reality Stroke Gesture Data from Out-of-Distribution Desktop Stroke Gesture Data has been accepted by IEEE VR 2024!